Tuesday, January 25, 2011

A New Year … A New “Healthier” You

As we start 2011, many of you will be thinking of ways to improve your lifestyle, such as losing weight, eating better, reducing stress, and quitting tobacco.

Improving elements of your life or changing habits requires a plan and dedication to making the plan work. Eating healthy is a daily choice. While it's great to have goals, the only way you reach anything in life is by tackling the day at hand (or in some cases, even the meal). If you can do that and get up and make the same decisions tomorrow and the next day, you form habits. So, if you find yourself still struggling with eating well on a daily basis, ask yourself the following questions and really take the time to write down your answers. Do it while you are having a cup of coffee / tea or a few minutes of downtime in your daily schedule. By pinpointing your issues, you can figure out how to tackle them and reset your body and mind to achieve ultimate success:

What is your ultimate healthy goal?
Is it a weight loss, a feeling, a size? Be as specific as possible.

How do you see yourself getting there?
For instance, can you break this goal down into more attainable goals, like setting a weekly goal, versus a monthly goal, to keep you more accountable? What do YOU need to stay on track? Checking in daily, writing it all down, calling a friend when you are having a bad day? Be specific.

What happens once you reach your goal or the end of a program?
Do you think you will have that "diet" mentality? Will there be a sense of fear because now you don't have a program? Do you fear actually getting to your ultimate goal, because then you're afraid you won't be able to stay there? Lay all the fears out so you can figure out how to eradicate them. The hardest first step is agreeing to make a true commitment to this lifestyle change. And this means that you will have good days and bad days, but for a set period of time (a few weeks, a month), commit fully and focus on YOU. Are you ready to do that?

Figure out what works and what doesn't work for you.
Where do you lose momentum? Do you get excited in the beginning, go shopping, prep meals and then lose steam? Is it easier to order out then eat right? Are you REALLY looking at all that you put into your body? Is there a hidden culprit? Dairy? Alcohol? Salt? Too much meat? You have to think about what's going on internally, as well as outside your body. Figure out what you are WILLING to do in terms of eating, and DON'T think long-term. Think about a single week at a time in terms of getting/preparing your food, or even a single day. You are committing to eating right TODAY. If you can do that, then you can get up and do the same thing tomorrow.

When will you go out to eat?
When will you drink? What happens when you "cheat" or have an off day or a celebration? Can you say no? If not, what's your backup plan? Can you accept indulging once and getting back on track, or will you just go back to unhealthy habits? What ARE your unhealthy habits?

In terms of exercise, how will you reach your goals?
Do you need a trainer? Do you like dance or a sport? Will you join groups or teams to engage in these activities or sports? Do you need someone to keep you attainable, to push your body and really assess what it is YOU need, or are you more comfortable on your own? You have to make physical activity an integral part of your day, and on those days you can't get to the gym (or partake in your chose activity), take stairs, walk, do yoga, whatever. Just MOVE.

In terms of mental health, how will you reach your goals?
Are you finding ways to de-stress and relax? Will you meditate daily? Do you like yoga? Is there a book you have been desiring to read? Will you join a support group? Do you have a close friend who is there to listen? Will you join a support group? Will you set aside some time each day to do nothing (start with 10 minutes)? What steps will you take to reach a positive attitude?

Here are some tips to try for wellness in the New Year:

• Set Weekly Goals
Focus on realistic short-term health / fitness goals, with a long-term objective in mind.

• Live Each Day Actively
 Take the stairs vs. the elevator
 Park your car further away in the parking lot
 walk home
 shovel the driveway and the neighbors
 go skating with friends

• Make Exercise a Social Event
 consider taking a dance class with friends or family members

• Watch Your Intake
 drink lots of water
 always eat breakfast
 watch portion control
 try to pack your lunches and snacks so you don’t revert to unhealthy choices when you are not prepared.
 choose to eat Whole Natural Foods (whole grains, beans, vegetables, nuts and seeds, fish and chicken)
 make home-cooked meals a majority of your weekly meals

• Find ways to Relax
 read a book
 meditate
 talk to a friend
 get rid of the negative “clutter” - Replace negative thoughts with positive ones.

Making a commitment to be healthy in the New Year requires goals and a plan. In order to motivate yourself to achieve your goals reward yourself and celebrate! Remember enjoying the journey, leads to the fulfillment of the destination.